Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

February 13, 2009

Valentine's day

It's this time of year where I find myself somewhat cynical. I view valentine's day as the day where men (or women) spend way too much money on flowers and jewelry just to prove to their significant other how much they love you and appreciate you. I guess I am cynical because it is not a poor man's holiday!! I want to buy Nick a nice watch, or some new shoes, or something. I want to send flowers to those I love. The main thing is that I do not have enough money to buy things on Valentine's day for those I love. Hopefully, those that I love will know that I do love you and am very appreciative of you.. and I am hoping you don't need presents from me to recognize that I do love you! If you do want a present, however, let me know! he he I love all my friends and family!

Nick is the ideal boyfriend. He shows me he loves me everyday with thoughtful things that he says or even just coming home and showing how happy and excited he is to be home with me. I did get him something for Valentine's, but it is not related to Valentine's day. I wish I had the means to buy him everything in the world, but my lack of funds means that he will just have to live with having me! (which is irreplaceable, as he tells me) I love you Nick!

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1 comment:

LJ, DC and ML said...

ahahahah! I hadn't read this before I wrote mine, but really I think we're in the same spot. You don't hate Valentine's day either! And not to worry, we spent hardly any money on Val-day, but it was great anyhow. LOVES! LJ