Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

September 21, 2011

Week 16

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor yesterday and she said I've only gained 2 pounds. She said not to worry too much now, but to make sure to eat and eat and eat! Who ever would have thought a doctor would tell me to eat more?!
Maternity clothes? I scored BIG through Craigslist. A lady posted that she was selling most of her maternity clothing for $85. I called her immediately and scheduled to go look at the clothes. She was exactly my size (size, height, width, etc). I ended up getting 10 dresses, 3 skirts, 7 pairs of jeans, 25 tops, and 3 leggings for $80. The clothes are from the Gap, Old Navy, and Pea in a Pod. Such fashionable clothing for a great price!
Stretch marks? No. But I sure do feel a lot of stretching.
Sleep: This past week has been tough with sleep. I experienced strong body aches and cramps around my uterus, so I had interrupted sleep most of the nights. The hot weather didn't help either!
Best moment this week: Celebrating daddy and my one year anniversary at our stepsister's wedding. It was a magical evening filled with family and love.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to sleep on my back. I also miss a good Turkey Sandwich.
Movement: I felt slight fluttering, but I wasn't sure if that was me feeling anxious for a moment, or if it was the baby.
Food cravings: Still craving sourdough bread like you wouldn't believe it. I also have been craving Italian food.
Anything making you queasy or sick: fish is still hitting me hard. I went to a work dinner and I had to leave early because the smell of the fish my coworkers ordered made me throw up.
Have you started to show yet: I have been getting a lot of sideway looks. I especially am letting out my stomach more now that I am wearing maternity pants rather than my regular pants.
Gender prediction: boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Innie outie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: With being ill this week, my happiness and energy level has been down a bit. I've been pretty moody this week, but who isn't moody when they feel crappy?
Looking forward to: My massage tonight. My body has been craving some tension release. Thanks to Groupon, I purchased 3 massage sessions for $79.

I WILL get a picture up here soon. If only I could find my camera charger....

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