Not every wedding plan goes as planned. We found out two weeks before the wedding that our florist had to get surgery and would not be able to help us with the flowers. In a panic, I called the venue owner and she provided me with names of local florists. We have an appointment with our new florist (hopefully) on Saturday, only 6 days before the wedding.
Looked at the 10-day weather report and guess what I saw?? RAIN! Wonderful rain! While all say rain is good luck, I am sure that the guests will not enjoy the 30 minute outside ceremony in the rain. I know there are a lot of things that can be done with umbrellas, but I didn't want to have to do that to the guests. ::sigh::
Stepped on the scale and what did I not see?? A drop in weight. I am sure all women can agree with me how frustrating it is to eat ridiculously healthy and exercise constantly and have no weight loss. Grrrr.
Finally, I am done with my school class but I am anxiously awaiting my final grade. I am nervous. It is based on the results from a group final essay.. I don't have much confidence in my group.
Alright, that's the update for now! Until next time