Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

March 25, 2012

23 days old

I feel bad for ever wondering why new mothers always take so long to update their blog. I was thinking "babies sleep throughout the day, don't you have 15 minutes to update your blog?" I have been super busy with naps, thank you notes, and who knows what else. She is growing so quickly. She went through a growth spurt (I believe) over the past few days where she had to eat every hour and a half. This was really hard at nighttime because she would not let us sleep. I did ok, I think, but it was really hard on Nick. He enjoys his sleep and needs it to be aware. I do okay for a little while without sleep. The only downfall is that if I'm really tired, when Adeline cries, so do I. Last night, though, she slept in 3 1/2 hour blocks. It was heavenly! Here are some pictures for your viewing.

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March 18, 2012

First time in crib up the hill

Today, I was able to pull together my emotions and courage to drive Nick and Adeline up the hill to our house. Adeline had been to our house last Friday, but Rachel drove us up. Today, we drove up around 11. It was very cold up the hill. It was even hailing. The temperature outside was 38 degrees. Thank goodness for Betsy and Bob. They turned on the heat at our house and brought in a portable heater to warm up our bathroom. Adeline did great. I was worried she wouldn't sleep in her crib (since all she has been sleeping in is her rock n play (which is an upright bassinet). She slept from 12:45-3:20. Even I was able to sleep from 1-2:30. Grandma "Tutu" (Betsy) then held her for a short time while Nick and I ventured to the hot tub... rather... Nick sat in the hot tub and I dipped my feet in. It was SO nice not to have a big belly to have to accommodate to while sitting down. I don't miss being pregnant. People say they forget about the downfalls of being pregnant, which is why they have no problem getting pregnant again. I should probably write down all the reasons I did not like being pregnant so that I don't fool myself into getting pregnant again in the short future. I'm not saying we don't want other kids, but let's see how we do with one first. :) Here is a picture of Adeline in her crib today.

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March 15, 2012

13 days old

She is super cute to look at. She is the apple of our eye.
I can't wait to see what she looks like next week. It is amazing how fast they grow.

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March 13, 2012

Babies are a blessing and stress

Anyone who is a parent, I'm sure, understands my heading. I love love LOVE Adeline. I find myself staring at her non-stop. When she wakes me up at night, I get a bit frustrated, but when she is calmly sleeping moments later, I forget any annoyance I had with her because she is so perfect to me. My hormones are a little bit more controlled, but I still find myself getting anxious and overwhelmed. We have only gone out in public 3 times: the doctor office, trip to get her birth certificate, and off to get food and visit family. I was on edge all three times. I'm not sure why I am so anxious, but it draws me to tears each time. Adeline has been doing well, for the most part, with sleeping. Her sleeping has become a lot better at night time ever since we purchased the Rock n Play. It is like a bassinet but is more upright. This helps with her gas. The scary part is listed in the reviews for the rock n play. Many parents have said that because there is not enough padding, their kids end up having misshapen heads that require a correctional helmet later on in life. I have been laying down blankets to try to prevent this. She sleeps so perfectly in it, but those reviews scare me. A lot scares me these days. I know that it will pass, but until then, I will have to endure. For your viewing:

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March 2, 2012

She is here

What an exciting weekend! It started with Thursday night of some El Calderon enchiladas. Then we went on a night time walk with Steve. He was walking so fast, it was hard for me to keep up. Yet they say walking induces labor. That evening, I was experiencing strong contractions, but only strong enough to cause discomfort. I finally fell asleep at midnight. At 3 AM, I woke up with the strongest pain ever. I took two steps out of bed before I felt a gush of water. I couldn't believe ny water had broken!! My mom drove us to the hospital within 20 minutes. Then the contractions hit. Never have I experienced such pain! Luckily, the nurse ordered me an epidural within 20 minutes. They gave me petocin to help speed things along. I progressed from a 3 to a 9.5 working 7 hours. It was then discovered that the way she was placed, I would need a c-section. After giving me more drugs, they wheeled me in to surgery. 10 minutes later, she was born: Adeline Savvyanna Zontos. 7 pounds 13 oz and 20 inches long. Born at 2:08 PM on 3/2/2012. I didn't get to see her for two hours until I regained sensation in my body. More stories of the weekend to come.