Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

September 24, 2012

So much development in 2 months

Adeline has made so many developments over the past 2 months! I have been writing them in a journal so that she can look back and read about herself. She sits up for at least an hour with no assistance. She's been doing that for about a month. Over the past week, she has been saying "ma-ma--- ma- ma--- maaaa maaa" etc. I'm glad I was her first word, whether or not she knows she's saying it. Sleep- She still does not sleep through the night, but wakes up every 3 1/2-4 hours to drink a 4 oz bottle. The websites say we should start sleep training, so we'll see if we can handle that. She is still sleeping in the rock n play, but is 5 pounds away from being too heavy in it. We put her to sleep in the pack n play (since she is still eating throughout the night, I'm too lazy to go down the stairs to feed her then come back up.. so the pack n play is up by our bed). After 4-5 hours of sleeping in the pack n play, she gets up for her late night feeding. I then move her to the rock n play. Napping- She has become a great napper. She takes a nap every 3 hours. She does not sleep for a consistent amount of hours, so we rush to get things done until she wakes up. Her naps range from 40 minutes to 2+ hours. Day care- Right now, my mom watches her 2 days a week, Nick stays home with her 2 days a week, and our close friend watches her on Friday's. This makes me so relieved because she is watched attentively and does not have competition for attention. Although, she is in her separation anxiety mode, so if you leave the room, she starts crying until you are sitting right next to her. Teething- She is not teething yet, but she is a drool queen. We have to change her bibs and onesies multiple times a day because she drools so much. It's cute and she is mouthing EVERYTHING! Baby-proofing- We put on the cabinet locks and a baby gate on top of one of the stairs. It will take a bit for us to get used to it, but it's better we put it up now than if she is already mobile and we're struggling to put stuff up. Giggling- She is SUCH a happy baby. She is always laughing and smiling. Everyone who meets her loves her. Strangers comment on how happy and chubby she is. I guess a well fed baby is a happy baby! I am looking forward to the future, especially the holidays.

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