Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

October 12, 2011

19 week update

This last week has been a fun one. I splurged on a crib (well, actually, it was a Columbus day sale where I got the crib for $150), but I am keeping it as a backup crib in case we get the real crib we want. The real crib we want is $300 and includes the dresser and changing table. Maybe that's what I'll ask for as a Christmas present! Now for my weekly summary.

How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total of 9 pounds since pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? LIVING in maternity clothes. I can understand how a person has a hard time transitioning back into pre-pregnancy clothes after wearing maternity clothes.. no restricting buttons, etc.
Stretch marks? Nope! It looks like the body butter is working.
Sleep: This past week has been filled with crazy dreams. I am protecting people against wild animals, I am protecting "my people in my tribe" by becoming a religious leader to defend against the bad people (that was a weird one), and other dreams where I am protecting people, especially children.
Best moment this week: Unless I'm imagining it, baby is becoming active. I notice the most active times are after I eat and when I am singing on my way home from work. The baby is either saying "I love you rocking out!" or "please stop singing.. you really are horrible at it!"
Miss Anything? I miss lying on my back. Lying on my side leads to hip cramps and back pain. I am fully surrounded by pillows, but I still can't get comfortable.
Movement: I believe so!
Food cravings: Pumpkin everything! Tis the season. Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin soup, etc. I haven't eaten too much of it, but when I get my hands on it, there's no holding me back.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Fish still. We went to a Vietnamese wedding on Saturday. All they served was fish. I was doing okay for awhile, but once they brought a full fish with the eye ball and scales, we had to leave. A quick run to Burger King was done.
Have you started to show yet: yes. I think everyone at my work knows now.
Gender: I have been calling the doctor's office every day to check for any cancellations. I'm really anxious to find out. If there are no cancellations, my set appointment is in 5 days (10/17/2011)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In.. like a black hole.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! I did have one freakout this last week. Nick started watching Dexter without me. For some reason, I got really mad! It was laughable later on, especially Nick's reaction like "OMG she's gone crazy!"
Looking forward to: My Ultrasound! This will confirm how everything is coming along, my actual due date, and hopefully the gender of baby Z.

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