Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

October 19, 2011

20 weeks

This is the "1/2 way there" milestone! I am now 1/2 way through the pregnancy. Nick and I were discussing that we have that weird limbo feeling that time has passed quickly, but not fast enough.
On Monday, 10/17 we had the Ultrasound. The Ultrasound took an hour because our little one is quite active! After 20 minutes of making sure the spine, legs, head, and arm were developed, the technician told us the gender. We are having a GIRL! This was a surprise to me, judging by all "symptoms" I had correspond to having a boy (craving of protein, not much sickness, no craving of sweets, etc). It was a welcome surprise, though. A little girl! She is going to be raised as mountain girl as we can make her. I want to resist too much pink because baby pink makes me cringe. Not sure why I don't like the color.. especially since I like magenta and bright pink.
Now for the summary
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 13 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Definitely. I need to buy more leggings so I can wear more dresses.
Stretch Marks? None yet! I have a feeling as the holidays arrive, I will grow really fast, potentially getting stretch marks.
Sleep? I have been having interrupted sleep lately because my dreams are so crazy.I have been waking up at 6 AM each day and not been able to go back to sleep.
Best moment this week? The ultrasound appointment. Now that I know the gender and how she moves, it is a bit of a relief. Now I can buy stuff for the baby room.
Miss anything I do miss my flexibility. I notice my muscles are much tighter. I try to stretch and do some Yoga daily, but I just can't loosen up enough.
Movement? Now that I've seen how she moves in the Ultrasound, I am able to recognize her movement. She flutter kicked my ribs yesterday for about 20 minutes. I'm loving it now but fear the painful future.
Food cravings: I've been loving root beer floats at night. It's something that takes me back to childhood and remembering happy summer days.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Getting on and off the elevator. It seems I'm extra sensitive to motion lately. Not good when you have motion sickness already.
Have you started to show yet? yep! (I think I may take this question off soon)
Gender: GIRL!
Belly Button In or Out? It's fully in, now, like a cave.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! I've been singing a lot to baby Z and she has responded each time.
Looking forward to: The opening of the Spaghetti Factory next week. I am craving some Mizithra cheese spaghetti!

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