Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

March 25, 2009


Originally, I was a MySpace girl. I became addicted to it when I was going to move back to California when I was almost 21. This was a great way for me to get to know what I had missed out on in my friend's lives in the past 2 years that I lived in Utah. As time went on, I realized that there were many other people that I did not know that would friend request me. Many of these people didn't even live in the area! I am all for making new friends, but I found it kind of creepy that they would want to know about my life when I would probably never meet them! About 2 years ago, I was introduced to the world of facebook. Facebook is better than MySpace because if random people friend request you, they can't view your profile without your permission. Also, there is fun little pictures you can put on people's page (send them a little green plant), know about events that are going on, and most importantly: get in contact with people that you have not encountered in a LONG time! My main example is my experience this week with facebook. I received an email through facebook from someone I thought I didn't know. When she asked if I was "Lonnie's daughter", I thought to myself "wow, the only people who call my dad Lonnie are my cousins". So then I added her. Within 5 hours, I now have my 5 cousins plus one of my aunts as my friend on facebook. It has been at least 10 years since I last talked to any of my cousin's on my dad's side. I hope that now we can all keep in contact. As much as I like Facebook, though, I am making it a goal to never join TWITTER!!!

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Johnson Family said...

Yeah I don't get your facebook world. I am pretty sure I am the only one in the world at this point with out an account. You go Em!

LJ, DC and ML said...

Uh hello!!!! Why are we not friends????
And ps. Rach, you might be the only one with out a facebook except Grandma Great. Even Sharon's got one!

Julie said...

Yeah for Facebook and I will join your vow to NEVER EVER join Twitter Em! We must be facebook friends now girl.

Bart/Buddy said...

hey Emily,

How do I find ya On face book? I've been trying to find ya but so far no such luck :(

Derek and Ang said...

You could be the poster girl for facebook =)