Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

July 7, 2010


There is always so much to celebrate in life. Whether it be anything from winning a contest to simply finding the shirt you wanted on sale. With our hectic lives, it is good to take the time to celebrate. I have written a blog before of what I am thankful for, but the true definition of celebration is "to observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, and rejoicing". Reasons to celebrate for Nick and I over the past month:
- I completed my last class of Statistics with an A-. That was quite the struggle for me since Statistics is hard for me to understand and I was not able to ask questions and have them quickly answered. Celebration for this: Taking a night off of homework to relax and watch a movie with Nick.
-Nick and I filed for our marriage license. While we still have to go pick it up, this makes it all that much more real that this is happening!! Celebration for this: a wedding in 72 days.
- Our country's independence day. We went up to South Lake Tahoe to our friends' new house that they bought a month ago. We spent the time with 5 other couples and cooked some great bbq and went on long hikes. This was a fun weekend. There was lots of wedding talk because two of the other ladies that were there are also engaged.. with one getting married on 09/04/10 and the other getting married in 08/2011.
- Nick and I have been lacking on the running, but we are starting it back up again. Celebration for this: more running!!
- We have great families and friends, so everytime we see them is a celebration in our hearts.

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