Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

December 8, 2008

On Saturday, Betsy treated me to a fun wreath making party in Montera (which is a little North of Half Moon Bay). It was a beautiful sunny day by the beach. There were all sorts of pine tree branches, and holly berries, and babies breath, etc. How to make a wreath? Well you grab all sorts of different tree branches, berries, etc and bunch them into 8 tiny bunches about an inch in diameter. After putting all 8 together, you clamped them onto a metal wreath frame using a metal clamper. I had such a good time. I was telling Betsy on the ride home (as I've told Rachel a month or so ago) I really want to find more friends that love doing artsy activities like these. I have fallen in love with homemaker activities. I also bought the Jane Austin collections book from Costco that has 7 of her books (Pride and Prejudice, Emma, etc). The great thing about it is that after I'm done, the book can be used as a decoration in the house.
I love the holidays!

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Johnson Family said...

A yes, I would like to sign up for Emmie's wreath making class please. I was told fees were waived for you favorite sister:) Love it Emmie

LJ, DC and ML said...

it's beautiful!! And I want to sign up too!

Grammy K. said...

Is this really Emily speaking? I never thought I would hear you say that you love homemaking activities!! Yea Jane Austin!!
Love, Mom