Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

September 6, 2011

I am pregnant!

Phew! Glad to get that secret out! I am one day shy of 14 weeks along. I have been EXTREMELY lucky by not having ANY morning/afternoon/evening sickness. That is quite a shocker to me since I'm one who gets sick constantly: motion sickness if I'm not the one driving, sickness if I don't eat every 3-4 hours, etc. The only two times I was sick over the past 14 weeks has been: altitude sickness when we went to North Lake Tahoe for a wedding. I was close to fainting a few times! The second time was when I took a prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach. That problem was solved when Lenessa introduced me to gummy prenatal vitamins. They are wonderful! No sickness, and a yummy way to get nutrition.
So far for cravings: I have been craving spicy food galore! I put chili powder or cayenne pepper on everything: even on macaroni and cheese!I also have been craving sourdough bread. I probably go through a loaf a week. I know that's bad, but I just can't get enough.
Food adversions: sweets and fish. I thought when you're pregnant, you're supposed to crave sweets galore! Not only have I not been craving them, I also feel a bit sickened when I eat something sweet. Weird!

It was great for Nick to be at the doctor's appointment on 08/26 when we heard the baby's heart beat. For the next appointment, we will listen for the heart beat again and take more blood tests. The Ultrasound will occur when we find out the gender. That will be mid-October. Anyone want to place any bets?!

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