Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

April 16, 2012

Sleep- so wonderful

Adeline turned 6 weeks old last Friday. Time sure is flying by. She weighed 10 pounds on Friday. She is gaining about an ounce a day, which is normal. A friend said that once she hits around 10 pounds, she sleeps longer. Adeline has proven that a few nights this past week. Some nights, she still wakes up every 3 hours to feed, but then there are the other glorious nights like last night. She slept from 10:30-4:40, then 5-8 AM. I would like to say that I slept that whole time, but the new mother instinct made me wake up sporadically to make sure she was still breathing! She was, of course. One thing that I've been worried about is that some of her breathing sounds like wheezing. I've asked the doctor about this via email and he said it may very likely be reflux. That would explain why she spits up so much and also cries after some feedings. I wonder how she will handle sleeping flat in her crib once she gets too big for the rock and play. Last Wednesday, I went to a mother support group that is offered by Sequoia hospital. It is where mothers come in with their babies and listen to a nurse for an hour talk about popular subjects (sleep deprivation, reflux in babies, illnesses, etc) then "opens the floor" for discussion for the new mothers to ask questions to all other mothers for advice. We were there from 9:30-1, and Adeline slept through the whole thing! Everyone said "what a good baby" but I was as surprised as they were that she slept for so long. She loves her car seat!! This Wednesday, I plan on going to lunch with the other mothers after the meeting. Some of the mothers seem like we could be great friends. Here is a picture of Adeline sleeping. Look at those cute chubby cheeks.

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