Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

May 5, 2012


This past week, Adeline may be going through a growth spurt with how much she is sleeping. It is great, but if I try to lay her down in a crib after holding her while she's asleep, I have to get ready for non-stop, body shaking crying. It's the crying that I hear other mother's talk about in mommy group. Not to mention, after she eats, it is a waterfall of spit up. Sometimes, I wonder if she throws up all of the milk. She then ends up going to sleep for awhile. When she is awake, she is happy for a bit, then comes the body shaking crying for awhile. Luckily, she has been sleeping great at night. The last few nights, Adeline has been sleeping very well! The first block of sleep is from 5-7 hours. The next block of sleep after a feeding is 3 hours, then the next block is another 2-3 hours. It is great to get so much sleep! I know that this will not last forever, so we are enjoying it while it lasts. On a side note, Nick gets to go on a guy's retreat this weekend. It involves camping with the guys. We will miss him but I am glad he is able to remember what life was like pre-baby!

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