Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

March 18, 2012

First time in crib up the hill

Today, I was able to pull together my emotions and courage to drive Nick and Adeline up the hill to our house. Adeline had been to our house last Friday, but Rachel drove us up. Today, we drove up around 11. It was very cold up the hill. It was even hailing. The temperature outside was 38 degrees. Thank goodness for Betsy and Bob. They turned on the heat at our house and brought in a portable heater to warm up our bathroom. Adeline did great. I was worried she wouldn't sleep in her crib (since all she has been sleeping in is her rock n play (which is an upright bassinet). She slept from 12:45-3:20. Even I was able to sleep from 1-2:30. Grandma "Tutu" (Betsy) then held her for a short time while Nick and I ventured to the hot tub... rather... Nick sat in the hot tub and I dipped my feet in. It was SO nice not to have a big belly to have to accommodate to while sitting down. I don't miss being pregnant. People say they forget about the downfalls of being pregnant, which is why they have no problem getting pregnant again. I should probably write down all the reasons I did not like being pregnant so that I don't fool myself into getting pregnant again in the short future. I'm not saying we don't want other kids, but let's see how we do with one first. :) Here is a picture of Adeline in her crib today.

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