Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

October 20, 2008

Update on the kitties

After spending more time with the kitties, we came to realize that perhaps the reason Bertoli is not getting up is because he somehow strained his rear right leg. When I tried to extend it, I got a painful "meow". We are guessing he was jumping down the stairs or playing with his sister and he hurt his leg. The past two days were spent cuddling with the kitties, carrying them to the bathroom (they are very good about letting us know when they have to go by letting out a loud meow), and bringing the food bowl to them. I hope they will be okay by themselves today. If not, we put them on towels! :)

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Bart/Buddy said...

hey emily this just a reminder to switch My link to http://barts-space.rigdons.net/

Julie said...

So sad to hear your kitties have been sick Em. Hope they recover quickly!