Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

February 3, 2012

Letter to baby Z

All the baby books suggest that I write a letter to our baby. What to say, though? And how cheesy would it seem to her? I bet if my mom showed me a letter when I was a teenager that she had written to me pre-birth, I would have rolled my eyes. I'm sure it would have a lot more meaning now, especially since I am about to have my own child. Will our baby girl only cherish a letter from me that far in the future? If I were to write her a letter, it would go something like this: Dear baby Z, Daddy and I are looking forward to your arrival. We don't really know what to expect, but we are ready to take on anything that is thrown our way. We are blessed to have friends and family that love us and already love you. You have already received so many great gifts to help mommy and daddy raise you. Mommy has set up your baby room, folded all your clothes, and prepared everything necessary to prepare for your arrival well in advance. We want you to come ASAP, but we also want you to grow as much as possible to be a healthy newborn. You will arrive when you are ready, but know that you will be received with much enthusiasm by all. We love you unconditionally Love, Mommy

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