Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

February 6, 2012

Second baby shower!?!

How lucky is baby Z? This last Saturday, a second baby shower was thrown for baby Z by the friends of Nick's mom! The shower was held in Menlo Park and it was a gorgeous day. There were about 18 women there that have been long time friends of Nick's mom. The majority of the women have watched Nick grow up and were really excited for him to become a daddy soon. Baby Z received lots of adorable clothes, toys, and even a car seat that she will fit into until she is 70 pounds. It was great company, great food, and great presents. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by great people who care so much about Nick, me, and baby Z. Baby Z.. we are ready for you now! :)

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1 comment:

Wenni Donna said...

Recently my friend had a second baby shower at Seattle venues. It was really amazing and everyone loved being there. Everything was arranged by her younger sister. She hosted the show and did it very fantastically. I really had a great time there.