Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!
January 31, 2012
Maternity Leave misunderstanding
When I converted to a FTE in October 2011, I was excited because they stated that my start date as an internal employee would be "grandfathered" back to my original start date in 04/2007. Looking at the benefits packet, I would get 26 weeks of Short Term Disability payments while I was on maternity leave (since maternity leave is paid for through Short Term Disability)plus two weeks of paid maternity leave! When looking for my coverage while I am out, we told the girl that I would be back in August. That worked perfectly for her since she is going to law school in September. My expected leave date is 02/24/2012. Everything was coming together nicely!!... Until I received the explanation of my leave in the mail:
2 weeks of paid maternity leave
5 weeks of Short Term Disability
5 weeks of UNPAID FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act)
To return to work on 05/21/2012
Surely, there must be a mistake! I wrote the benefits adviser immediately and reminded her that my start date that should be in the system is 2007 (since the information must've been confused thinking I started in October, 2011, correct?). She responded back and pointed out that in the benefits packet above the information box for Short Term Disability, there was an insert that stated "if Short Term Disability is used for maternity leave, the leave is up to 6 weeks pay; C-section is up to 8 weeks. FMLA will be used for the remainder of time up to 12 weeks, unless an extension is requested".
This definitely throws a curve ball. What are we going to do? I am sure that we will find a solution, but it may cost us a LOT of money! Time to go back to the drawing table and restructure the year.
January 30, 2012
Baby shower
This last Saturday was baby "Z"s baby shower. Sarah did a fantastic job organizing the event. She ordered delicious food, got a lemon cake (lemon has been my most current craving), and organized some fun games. It was a gorgeous day with lots of friends and family. It was truly a happy day! Baby "Z" received so many cute gifts, both clothes and necessary items. I can't wait to dress her in all the cute outfits and use all of the baby supplies. I was sad when the day was over, but I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family.
Here is the food table:
Here is the cake along with the cupcakes Sarah made:
Here is my baby shower photo:
January 27, 2012
baby clothes
I told myself that I would not buy baby Z any baby clothes until after she is born. I am told lots of clothes are given at the baby shower and up until the birth. Yet when I went shopping last night, I couldn't resist two things.
1) a cute Denali North Face coat from Nordstrom. It was free for me because I had a gift card to Nordstrom.
2) cute feetie pajamas with monkeys. It was so cute and a good price (from Target), so I just couldn't resist.
I will be good going forward, I swear. :)
January 25, 2012
34 week update
According to babycenter.com, the average baby at 34 weeks is "almost 18 inches long and weighs 4 3/4 pounds (the weight of a cantaloupe). Babies who are born between 34-37 weeks who have no other health problems are generally fine".
How far along? 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain? not sure. I will find out at my doctor's appt tomorrow.
Maternity Clothes? I look like a balloon in everything I wear.
Stretch Marks? I found a couple marks on my hip and my inner thighs. Guess I should go get some mederma.
Sleep? I have had horrible sleep this week. I even went home from work early yesterday to try to get some sleep. She is so active at night time that she keeps me up.
Best moment this week? Finding out what the issue was on my car (wheel bearing). Even though it was a hefty price tag, my car has now had all the maintenance done that it needs. My car is baby ready.
Miss anything? Lying on my back, the hot tub, and walking decent distances without breathing like I just ran a marathon. I also miss sleep.
Movement? When is she not moving? All day and all night! There are 30 minute spans where she isn't moving, but once I change position, she is active again.
Food cravings: "Nothing Bundt Cake" lemon cake. OMG so good. I just found a close location in San Carlos.
Anything making you sick? Steamed veggies, fish, Indian food, BBQ, cigarette smoke, body odor, etc.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Every day. I am having constant contractions, but the doctor says they are just Braxton Hicks. I have started to record the frequency, just in case.
Symptoms: Cramping, headaches, trouble breathing deeply, pain from her moving around. Luckily, I do not have swollen feet or ankles (yet).
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie, although it looks like it is trying to become flat.
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my fake Target ring
Happy or Moody? I'm happy, except things that annoy me REALLY annoy me. I would go on a rampage if it wasn't for my intuitive husband who has amazing advice.
Looking forward to: My baby shower this Saturday. I was worried that baby would make me go on bed rest before the shower, but it looks like all will be ok.
January 24, 2012
Mountain living
Over the weekend, we experienced some high winds and intense rain storms. This resulted in our power being out on and off throughout the weekend (and yesterday). The storms at night kept waking me up as a result of huge branches dropping on the roof. It is somewhat relaxing to listen to the rain while you are awake, but while sleeping.. not so much. Also, baby Z is becoming more and more active at night time. I hope she doesn't keep up that habit after she is born. Ideally, she should be active during the day and calm at night. Let's hope this is what happens..
On a positive note, we have narrowed down the person who will be covering me while I am out. Let's hope that the regional On Premise Manager approves a higher pay rate so that she will accept the offer. With how I am feeling, I don't know if I can make it until the 24th. I could also be overly sensitive and should realize that all pregnant women feel this way in the last month or so of pregnancy. I will discuss with my doctor on Thursday as to whether or not baby Z will be on time or if she is big enough to induce earlier. We shall see.
Only 6 more weeks!
January 18, 2012
33 week update
Good morning. We have successfully reached 33 weeks!
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain? not sure. I hope not much
Maternity Clothes? I am starting to not fit in most of my maternity clothes. Especially the shirts. They are getting too short.
Stretch Marks? I found a couple marks on my hip, but I'm not sure if those are stretch marks or indentations from my pants.
Sleep? I have been having vivid dreams that keep waking me up. Also, I am back to the frequency of bathroom runs as the first trimester.
Best moment this week? Bringing all the baby stuff down to my parent's house to keep there for the first two weeks after Baby Z is born.
Miss anything? Lying on my back, the hot tub, and walking decent distances without breathing like I just ran a marathon.
Movement? She scared me a bit the past few days by her lack of movement, but once she heard her daddy talk, she woke up and moved a lot.
Food cravings: I am loving my morning pumpkin spice latte. I just finished the last of the latte mix this morning and it is no longer in stores. :(
Anything making you sick? The smell of the elevator at work. Today, it was a mix of cigarettes and B.O.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: many Braxton Hicks contractions and pelvic cramping. My body just getting ready!
Symptoms: Cramping, headaches, trouble breathing deeply, and today, the numb legs. She must be sitting on my siatic (sp?) nerve.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my fake Target ring
Happy or Moody? I'm happy, but starting to get a bit tired of being pregnant. I wish the end of February would come already.
Looking forward to: the potential of hiring my coverage contractor while I am out. Once I have the person trained and out here, I will feel a bit more at ease. And here is my 33 week picture for your enjoyment.
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain? not sure. I hope not much
Maternity Clothes? I am starting to not fit in most of my maternity clothes. Especially the shirts. They are getting too short.
Stretch Marks? I found a couple marks on my hip, but I'm not sure if those are stretch marks or indentations from my pants.
Sleep? I have been having vivid dreams that keep waking me up. Also, I am back to the frequency of bathroom runs as the first trimester.
Best moment this week? Bringing all the baby stuff down to my parent's house to keep there for the first two weeks after Baby Z is born.
Miss anything? Lying on my back, the hot tub, and walking decent distances without breathing like I just ran a marathon.
Movement? She scared me a bit the past few days by her lack of movement, but once she heard her daddy talk, she woke up and moved a lot.
Food cravings: I am loving my morning pumpkin spice latte. I just finished the last of the latte mix this morning and it is no longer in stores. :(
Anything making you sick? The smell of the elevator at work. Today, it was a mix of cigarettes and B.O.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: many Braxton Hicks contractions and pelvic cramping. My body just getting ready!
Symptoms: Cramping, headaches, trouble breathing deeply, and today, the numb legs. She must be sitting on my siatic (sp?) nerve.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my fake Target ring
Happy or Moody? I'm happy, but starting to get a bit tired of being pregnant. I wish the end of February would come already.
Looking forward to: the potential of hiring my coverage contractor while I am out. Once I have the person trained and out here, I will feel a bit more at ease. And here is my 33 week picture for your enjoyment.
January 16, 2012
49ers game
On Saturday, Nick and I drove to Scotts Valley to visit his mother's side of the family. It was a fun get together for his uncle and aunt's birthday. It was an enjoyable time and a gorgeous day!
Afterwards, we drove to my Gma's house to watch part of the 49ers game. This game was one of the most exciting Football games I've ever watched. The game was against the Saints. The game was exciting, but really got intense during the 4th quarter. Within the last 4 minutes, 4 touchdowns were made. The final score: 36 (49ers) vs 32 (Saints). What an exciting game. All the intensity, though, led to some bad cramping and contractions. Perhaps that much stress was not good for the baby. Thank goodness I'm not one of those people that calls the doctor at every weird symptom I have. The next day, I was tired, but felt much better. I ended up cleaning the house, packing the hospital bag, and getting clothes ready for the stay at my parent's house after the baby is born. It was quite a productive day. I believe my productivity was high due to the weather. On Saturday, it was gorgeous weather (64 degrees), but on Sunday, it was overcast and 42 degrees.
I am looking forward to the next 7 weeks. They will be quite an adventure!
January 11, 2012
January 10, 2012
32 week update a day early
I had my doctor's appointment today, so I thought I would update my blog a day early.
How far along? 32 weeks
Total Weight Gain? 33 pounds. I lost 2 pounds!
Maternity Clothes? My maternity clothes are falling apart! The belly band that attaches to my pants is starting to come undone on a few pants. Yikes!
Stretch Marks? I found a couple marks on my hip, but I'm not sure if those are stretch marks or indentations from my pants.
Sleep? I am waking up multiple times throughout the night to go to the bathroom, but I haven't had the problem of waking up really early. It's almost getting hard to wake up at 6.
Best moment this week? Receiving the paperwork today for filling out information to apply for a birth certificate and register for the hospital.
Miss anything? I definitely miss my long 3 PM walk. It's getting harder and harder to walk the whole loop without cramping.
Movement? She must be a swimmer. She flutter kicks constantly. She also turns over throughout the day.
Food cravings: I actually craved a spinach salad today! Crazy! I've also had a weakness for snickerdoodles. yummy!
Anything making you sick? The constant cramping. It makes me feel like I have a bad tummy ache.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: many Braxton Hicks contractions and pelvic cramping. My body just getting ready!
Symptoms: Cramping, headaches, trouble breathing deeply, you know... the usual.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my fake Target ring
Happy or Moody? This was an emotional week(mainly weekend) for me. One little thing set me off on Saturday and I ended up crying multiple times for a few hours. Ahh hormones.
Looking forward to: the meet and greet to find our future daughter's pediatrician. I hope we find a good one.
How far along? 32 weeks
Total Weight Gain? 33 pounds. I lost 2 pounds!
Maternity Clothes? My maternity clothes are falling apart! The belly band that attaches to my pants is starting to come undone on a few pants. Yikes!
Stretch Marks? I found a couple marks on my hip, but I'm not sure if those are stretch marks or indentations from my pants.
Sleep? I am waking up multiple times throughout the night to go to the bathroom, but I haven't had the problem of waking up really early. It's almost getting hard to wake up at 6.
Best moment this week? Receiving the paperwork today for filling out information to apply for a birth certificate and register for the hospital.
Miss anything? I definitely miss my long 3 PM walk. It's getting harder and harder to walk the whole loop without cramping.
Movement? She must be a swimmer. She flutter kicks constantly. She also turns over throughout the day.
Food cravings: I actually craved a spinach salad today! Crazy! I've also had a weakness for snickerdoodles. yummy!
Anything making you sick? The constant cramping. It makes me feel like I have a bad tummy ache.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: many Braxton Hicks contractions and pelvic cramping. My body just getting ready!
Symptoms: Cramping, headaches, trouble breathing deeply, you know... the usual.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my fake Target ring
Happy or Moody? This was an emotional week(mainly weekend) for me. One little thing set me off on Saturday and I ended up crying multiple times for a few hours. Ahh hormones.
Looking forward to: the meet and greet to find our future daughter's pediatrician. I hope we find a good one.
January 8, 2012
Car seat shopping
Car seats are a mandatory thing to have when leaving the hospital and for the next 12 years of the child's life. Every car seat has pros and cons that make it hard to decide. When you think you found the "right one", one user's bad comment makes you think twice. I decided to go to babies r us and try out the three I narrowed it down to: Graco 35, Chicco 30, and the Britax B-safe. All are about the same price. After feeling like the Britax fit my body best, I researched the price on Amazon. Turns out, Amazon had it for $45 less than babies r us. When my mom met me to help me look at car seats, she was surprised to find out I had made my decision and found a better price. I look forward to using this infant car seat for the first 35 pounds of our baby girl's life.


January 4, 2012
31 week update
I am actually doing my 31 week update on time! YAY!
How far along? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: A staggering 35 pounds. I'm pretty sure I will gain a total of 45 pounds for the whole pregnancy. That means I will have to lose 65 pounds to get back to my goal weight. This should be an adventure!
Maternity clothes? The shirts are all fine, but the pants are starting to get tighter. Only 7 1/2 more weeks of having to fit into my work pants.
Stretch marks? there are some random ones in different places, but none on my belly!
Sleep: sleep is difficult. When I am not awake from rolling over multiple times throughout the night, I am awake from my active brain. No fun!
Best moment this week: We put up the crib and decorated the baby space. I am so pleased with the results.
Miss Anything? I miss not hurting whenever I stand too long, or bend over to put on shoes, or simply breathing at times. That is why I am choosing an epidural.. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain.
Movement: more like shifting around rather than kicking. Sometimes, she flutter kicks for about 15 seconds. Really crazy to watch my stomach when she does that.
Food cravings: I am getting full a lot quicker these days, so my food cravings are reduced since I can't fit much in at one time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of steamed vegetables. Also, I was watching a show about the best BBQ in America, and I about threw up.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: some (review previous post)
Symptoms: Heartburn, out of breath every now & then, stomach pains, and starting to feel like I have to pee but then not much comes out (aka baby is resting on bladder)
Belly Button in or out? It is still somewhat in.
Wedding rings on or off? off. I now have to wear my fake Target ring.
Happy or Moody most of the time: For the most part, happy, but when it comes time for me to eat, I am one grumpy person (ask my sister about that!)Looking forward to: my prenatal massage at Watercourse way this week. Thank you, Nick, for the wonderful Christmas gift.
How far along? 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: A staggering 35 pounds. I'm pretty sure I will gain a total of 45 pounds for the whole pregnancy. That means I will have to lose 65 pounds to get back to my goal weight. This should be an adventure!
Maternity clothes? The shirts are all fine, but the pants are starting to get tighter. Only 7 1/2 more weeks of having to fit into my work pants.
Stretch marks? there are some random ones in different places, but none on my belly!
Sleep: sleep is difficult. When I am not awake from rolling over multiple times throughout the night, I am awake from my active brain. No fun!
Best moment this week: We put up the crib and decorated the baby space. I am so pleased with the results.
Miss Anything? I miss not hurting whenever I stand too long, or bend over to put on shoes, or simply breathing at times. That is why I am choosing an epidural.. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain.
Movement: more like shifting around rather than kicking. Sometimes, she flutter kicks for about 15 seconds. Really crazy to watch my stomach when she does that.
Food cravings: I am getting full a lot quicker these days, so my food cravings are reduced since I can't fit much in at one time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of steamed vegetables. Also, I was watching a show about the best BBQ in America, and I about threw up.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: some (review previous post)
Symptoms: Heartburn, out of breath every now & then, stomach pains, and starting to feel like I have to pee but then not much comes out (aka baby is resting on bladder)
Belly Button in or out? It is still somewhat in.
Wedding rings on or off? off. I now have to wear my fake Target ring.
Happy or Moody most of the time: For the most part, happy, but when it comes time for me to eat, I am one grumpy person (ask my sister about that!)Looking forward to: my prenatal massage at Watercourse way this week. Thank you, Nick, for the wonderful Christmas gift.
January 3, 2012
Observation hospital tests
The Braxton-Hicks contractions have been starting earlier in the day and lasting until bed. I started wondering if it was normal. I spoke to the advice nurse and she advised that I go to the labor and delivery department at Sequoia hospital (where I will deliver in the near future). This was a bit unnerving for me, but I know they prefer to be safe than sorry. When I got to the hospital, they put two straps around me: one to monitor the baby's heart rate and I guess the other is to monitor my heart rate (?). I sat for an hour and a half listening to baby "Z"s heart rate. It was really interesting to hear that when I felt some pain (which I found out were contractions), her heart rate increased. It turns out that I have about 3-4 contractions per hour. The RN's stated that this isn't cause for concern, but I do need to be more aware of how frequently I get them over the next few weeks. My only thought is "Please don't deliver before we are able to find someone to cover me at work." I guess one of my worst nightmares is for me to have the baby before fully training someone and coming back from maternity leave and have to clean up and re-refine my job. Also, I would like to have a baby shower while I'm still pregnant! :)
January 2, 2012
Baby space
While Rachel is here in town, I felt very strongly that she should help me decorate the baby space. I am sad that she won't be here when the baby actually arrives, but I want her to be a part of getting things ready. What better way then to get her creative expertise! She found the wall painting idea in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. We went with the color that the magazine stated, but it turned out a bit lighter than the magazine. I still love it. Then we painted polka dots on the wall to add some fun! The crib set up was fairly easy and we bought a great mattress from Costco (thank you dad for the gift cards to Costco to enable us to purchase the mattress). Rachel made the baby a blanket for Christmas, which now sits right on top of the crib. The end result: a masterpiece that was made even more special because my sister helped me do it!

January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! I forgot to do the 30 week update, so I will summarize by saying all is about the same as the 29 week update! I have been, however, experiencing Braxton Hicks at night time after a long day. I would compare the contraction in my stomach and lower abdomen to the tightness you get in your chest when you have an allergic reaction: tight and uncomfortable. She is now getting big enough that my lungs feel they have to work harder for me to take deep breaths when lying down.
The past week has been wonderful with my sister in town. It has been great seeing her everyday and doing.. anything. Even trips to Target have been fun. We also decorated the baby space! I will do another post with the wall painting change, the crib, and the crib sheets. Rachel had an awesome idea from the Pottery Barn Kids magazine and made it happen. Rachel truly is amazing!
For the New Year, not many resolutions were set. I couldn't set the standard resolution of "lose 15 pounds" since I can't start doing that until after baby arrives. I did set a year long goal to not only lose the baby weight, but also get down to the weight I was when I met Nick (I am really aiming high). If I gain 10 more pounds by when baby comes, I will have to lose 60 pounds by December. Hopefully, the first 30-40 will be a breeze with breast feeding and your body's natural weight loss after having a baby.
My only other resolution is to be a good mom and enjoy the time off I get to spend with her. When I go back to work in September, I know I will feel remorse for leaving her, but I will do my best to look back at the first 6 months as a success.
The past week has been wonderful with my sister in town. It has been great seeing her everyday and doing.. anything. Even trips to Target have been fun. We also decorated the baby space! I will do another post with the wall painting change, the crib, and the crib sheets. Rachel had an awesome idea from the Pottery Barn Kids magazine and made it happen. Rachel truly is amazing!
For the New Year, not many resolutions were set. I couldn't set the standard resolution of "lose 15 pounds" since I can't start doing that until after baby arrives. I did set a year long goal to not only lose the baby weight, but also get down to the weight I was when I met Nick (I am really aiming high). If I gain 10 more pounds by when baby comes, I will have to lose 60 pounds by December. Hopefully, the first 30-40 will be a breeze with breast feeding and your body's natural weight loss after having a baby.
My only other resolution is to be a good mom and enjoy the time off I get to spend with her. When I go back to work in September, I know I will feel remorse for leaving her, but I will do my best to look back at the first 6 months as a success.
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