Due March 7, 2012
a GIRL!!

January 16, 2012

49ers game

On Saturday, Nick and I drove to Scotts Valley to visit his mother's side of the family. It was a fun get together for his uncle and aunt's birthday. It was an enjoyable time and a gorgeous day! Afterwards, we drove to my Gma's house to watch part of the 49ers game. This game was one of the most exciting Football games I've ever watched. The game was against the Saints. The game was exciting, but really got intense during the 4th quarter. Within the last 4 minutes, 4 touchdowns were made. The final score: 36 (49ers) vs 32 (Saints). What an exciting game. All the intensity, though, led to some bad cramping and contractions. Perhaps that much stress was not good for the baby. Thank goodness I'm not one of those people that calls the doctor at every weird symptom I have. The next day, I was tired, but felt much better. I ended up cleaning the house, packing the hospital bag, and getting clothes ready for the stay at my parent's house after the baby is born. It was quite a productive day. I believe my productivity was high due to the weather. On Saturday, it was gorgeous weather (64 degrees), but on Sunday, it was overcast and 42 degrees. I am looking forward to the next 7 weeks. They will be quite an adventure!

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